Hey friend, I’m Ainslie.
I don’t want you to waste another hot minute fretting over how to connect with your people.
We both know you weren't put on this planet to frantically google "how to make a website" or stare into the void of an empty Google doc wondering where tf to even begin writing about who you are, what you do, and how you help people.
You've got more important things to do.....like actually help those people, and make some cash moneyyyyyy.

I, on the other hand, definitely was put on this planet to get cozy with Google docs, blinking cursors, and work some code and design magic.
If you're currently riding the struggle bus creating content, telling your story, and getting it online for the world to be thoroughly impressed by - I'm here to help you stay in your zone of genius, while I take care of all your copywriting and web design needs in my zone of genius.